Area 3 Chapters

Area 3 Chapters in the beautiful state of Maine:

*Bog Hoot Quilters-Mechanic Falls area
*Chickadee Quilters-Bridgton Area
*Classic Quilters of Lewiston-Auburn Area
*Country Aire Quilters-Turner Area
*Country Square Quilters-North Jay/Wilton Area
*Cross Country Quilters-Bethel Area
*Grammy's Choice Quilters-Canton Area
*Ladies of the Lake Quilters-Peru/Rumford/Dixfield Area
*Lisbon Krazy Kwilters-Lisbon Area
*Pine Needle Quilters-Norway/South Paris Area
*Scraps and Patches Quilters-Poland Area
*Village Scrappers Quilters-Livermore Area

Friday, May 6, 2016

IPad Stand Tutorial by Sewn Up

37th Annual Chickadee Quilt Show

37th Annual Chickadee Quilters Quilt Show

Sat – Sun July 9th and 10th
  10am – 4 pm

Stevens Brook Elementary School
Rte. 302
14 Frances Bell Drive
Bridgton, ME  04009

$5 donation

Free parking and handicapped accessible
100’s of quilts on display, raffles, Chinese auction, vendors, yard sale items, free demonstrations and café.

For more information contact:

Laugh Of The Day

Pinwheel Block Tutorial by Pumpkin Patch Quilter

Looking for a unique idea for a baby or children's quilt? Look no more. The Pinwheel block is a novel way to make a quilt with "movement" and will be treasured by any child.

Here is a one way you can lay out your blocks for a quilt. So cute!

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Yo-Yo Bouquet Tutorial by Flight of thePook

Since we in Maine are having a cold and cloudy spring, here is a quick and easy way to brighten your day (and make use of those scraps you have lying around)....

These fabric flowers would make a nice gift for someone in a nursing home or hospital (no care needed!)

Laugh Of The Day

Quilting Tip of the Week 5.5.16

I save all my leftover 2 1/2" bindings and sew together to use as bindings for my scrappy quilts.