Laura Freeman of Pine Needles Quilters is requesting help in making quilts for the RSNY group. The mission of this organization is to help the American Indian people to meet their most urgent survival needs, such as clean water, food and shelter. At the same time, they provide community programs to create opportunities for building self-esteem and the abilities for self-sufficiency.
Their programs include:
*Food distribution and nutrition
*Water wells
*Youth programs
*Cultural and language preservation
*Housing assistance
Laura's partner, Wolf Gumm, has first-hand knowledge of the needs of our American Indians and will be working with a local trucking company, who will be donating their services, to ship the quilts collected to the headquarters for distribution to children in need. It is expected that the quilts will be sent to the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota.
Now, imagine those children, living on the reservation, with little in the way of personal objects of their own, when they receive a warm, hand-made quilt filled with love and hope from someone who really cares. This will make a lasting impression for sure!
This will be an ongoing project, and if you can make a quilt or two-great! If you cannot make an entire quilt, band together with a friend to make one or work with your chapter to have a workshop day to put together quilts. Perhaps you have some UFO blocks you can use in the making of these quilts. Just remember: many hands make light work! They are looking for baby to twin-size quilts and they can be quilted or well-tied.
It takes so little to make a world of difference to a child--please do what you can to help. It is wished that the first shipment can be made in September so that the quilts can be distributed to the children before the harsh winter season begins.
For more information, you can contact Laura at 207-743-6822.