Wolf and Laura wanted to share with you some of the photos of the beautiful quilts, blankets, pillowcases and other homemade items generously donated to this worthy cause.
Most of the items were distributed along with Christmas gifts and food for the children. You can tell by the beaming smiles and tears that our efforts were much appreciated. The kindness of strangers has no color or boundaries--please continue to help by"spreading the warm blanket of love" with our friends at the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota.
So happy to see one of my quilts on the box! |
If you wish to make a comforting quilt, afghans, knitted items, pillowcases or other items, please contact Wolf at 207-743-6822. New items are preferred, but used items in good condition are accepted. Talk to your church and quilting chapters and make this a group project--many hands make for more quilts for the children.
Babbling Brook Quilt Shop in South Paris will continue to be a drop-off point. You may bring your items there and Wolf will be contacted to pick them up. Thank you in advance for your continued support!
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From: Wolf
Laura <wolfandlaura@hotmail.com>
To: Paula Allen
<calliequilts01@myfairpoint.net>, Kathleen Currier
Subject: FW: Quilts
Date: Sun, 10
Feb 2013 16:45:08 -0500
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