Thank you to all who participated in the Autumn 2012 quilt and blanket drive. We began collecting quilts from the Pine Needles Quilt group of Norway/Paris, then other quilt groups from Pine Tree Quilts of Maine.
People who did not make quilts asked if they could contribute a blanket. Still others donated throws, bedspreads, comforters, afghans, hats and mittens. Some of our local churches had blanket drives. When all was totaled we sent 202 items to the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota and they were greatly appreciated. The cost of shipping was generously donated by Pat Saccu of World Fulfillment, LLC from Farmington Ct. and John Perdion of Pilot Freight provided the delivery from packing to final destination. A great big thank you to both of them.
We have already begun to collect items to be sent next Fall. If you have anything you would like to donate please call Wolf at 207-743-6822. New items are preferred, but used items in good condition are accepted. Babbling Brook Quilt Shop in South Paris will continue to be a drop off point. You may bring your items there and Wolf will pick them up. We hope to collect more this year with your help.
Thank you from Gathering of Eagles Ministries