Area 3 Chapters

Area 3 Chapters in the beautiful state of Maine:

*Bog Hoot Quilters-Mechanic Falls area
*Chickadee Quilters-Bridgton Area
*Classic Quilters of Lewiston-Auburn Area
*Country Aire Quilters-Turner Area
*Country Square Quilters-North Jay/Wilton Area
*Cross Country Quilters-Bethel Area
*Grammy's Choice Quilters-Canton Area
*Ladies of the Lake Quilters-Peru/Rumford/Dixfield Area
*Lisbon Krazy Kwilters-Lisbon Area
*Pine Needle Quilters-Norway/South Paris Area
*Scraps and Patches Quilters-Poland Area
*Village Scrappers Quilters-Livermore Area

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Quilting Tip of the Week 8.20.15

I love to iron. Yes, I know, I'm a crazy person.

Since I am a lover of steam, I am constantly refilling my iron. Stopping and running for water was an issue, so I decided to recycle an empty and well-rinsed dish detergent bottle for the task.

"A Quilter's Gathering" November 5-8, 2015 in Manchester, NH

For more information on the upcoming show, click on the link below

Teachers for 2015

Amy Friend

Carol Taylor

Debby Brown with Handi Quilter

Irene Blanck

Latifah Saafir

Pat Yamin

Susan Brubaker Knapp

Weeks Ringle

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

PTQG Member's Meeting September 12th

Don't forget to mark your calendars for our upcoming PTQG Member's meeting to be held on Saturday, Sept. 12th at 9:30 a.m. at Jewett Hall at the U of M campus in Augusta.

Our speaker is Sue Pelland of Sue Pelland Designs. Be sure to check out her website at

Bring your lunch and plenty of show and tell!

Sue Pelland Workshop Sept. 11th & 13th

Sue will be speaking at our PTQG Membership meeting on Sept. 12th and will be teaching two workshops on Sept. 11th & 13th in Bangor and Windham respectively.

For more information, check out the article on page 9 of the June 2015 issue of the Patchwork Press and the back cover of same issue.

I'm told there are still openings as of this date. FMI, contact Bev Henion at 207-963-4052 or email her at

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Quilting Acronyms Contest

 Quilting Acronyms Contest

If you chat with other quilters online or by email, you probably recognize these quilting acronyms. 

Email me your answers to by midnight, August 30th and the person with the most correct answers will win. In case of a tie, I will put names in a hat and a winner will be drawn. (The correct answers are based by exactly what I have on my answer sheet and the final decision will be made by me).

The winner will have their choice of a $10 gift card from Quiltessentials, Joann or Hobby Lobby.

Now, put on your thinking caps and get to work. Good luck!

1.   WIP 

2.   FART 

3.   SABLE 

4.   BOM 


6.   LQS 

7.   WHIMM 

8.   UFO 

9.   GFG

10. DSM