Area 3 Chapters

Area 3 Chapters in the beautiful state of Maine:

*Bog Hoot Quilters-Mechanic Falls area
*Chickadee Quilters-Bridgton Area
*Classic Quilters of Lewiston-Auburn Area
*Country Aire Quilters-Turner Area
*Country Square Quilters-North Jay/Wilton Area
*Cross Country Quilters-Bethel Area
*Grammy's Choice Quilters-Canton Area
*Ladies of the Lake Quilters-Peru/Rumford/Dixfield Area
*Lisbon Krazy Kwilters-Lisbon Area
*Pine Needle Quilters-Norway/South Paris Area
*Scraps and Patches Quilters-Poland Area
*Village Scrappers Quilters-Livermore Area

Friday, July 15, 2016

Laugh of the Day

Quilting Tip of the Week 7.14.16

 Aluminum foil is a wonderful sharpening tool. Take a sheet and fold in into six layers. Using a dull rotary cutter blade, slice into it several times until sharpened. It might take many cuts and of course, doesn't work on nicked blades.

You can also use this method to tone up those scissors!