The following is an article submitted by Betsy Cannan:
The third meeting/gathering of the Maine Modern Quilters
will be held in Augusta at Buker
Community Center on Dec. 8, 2012
from 2-4 P.M. at 22 Armory St., room 9. (across from the Armory and near
Burger King) Quilters of all ages and
skill levels are welcome! Come on in!!!!
Carolee Withee and Jane Hann-Morey will present on methods of inserting circles into
quilts. For those interested we will
start the “Rip and Tear” modern quilt project challenge.
In our previous meetings we have learned from presenters,
shared wonderful Show and Tells, books, magazines and techniques, and openly
discussed our individual needs of being in this group.
We are now on the international registry of The Modern
Quilt Guild, have a website and a face book page.
Below are pictures from our last meetings:
Betsy Dorr, owner of Quiltessentials, presented on
“Color and the color wheel” and demonstrated the use of the new color grid which
makes our life easier when selecting fabrics for our projects.
Janet Clement displayed her beautiful modern quilt
and shared the intrigue behind the color scheme.
Maitland presented on the “Floating Tumbling Block”, and other small
projects she has done, emphasizing the quilting of negative space.
Johnson displays one of her four beautiful modern quilts with
expressive quilting in the negative space.
following meeting will be held Jan. 9, 2013 location TBA.